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The content on tis page may be out-of-date, please go to the Chinese homepageopen in new window for the latest content.

The following is a table of contents organised in the order of the original course, click on the links below to jump to the slide you want to view.

In the top right hand navigation bar, set the language to Languages/zh-CN and you will get the translated Chinese version of the corresponding page to read against. In addition, you can click on CS526-PU in the top right hand corner to access the sharing page of the English material, with all due respect to the professors who are willing to share their quality courseware publicly on the internet!

This online documentopen in new window, built on VuePressV2 & GitHubPages, aims to translate some of the slides in Information Security CS526 (Purdue Univ.) into simplified Chinese, with the aim of enabling knowledge to cross language barriers, allowing more native Chinese speakers to better understand valuable content and generate more ideas and insights, just as the historical The aim was to enable knowledge to cross the language barrier so that more native Chinese speakers could better understand valuable content and generate more ideas and insights, as was the case with the historical Graeco-Arabic translation movement.

In contrast to the mid-eighth to late tenth centuries, modern computer technology has provided a more collaborative mode of writing —— Git, all translations of this online document have been uploaded to GitHub, which can be reached by clicking on GitHub in the top right-hand navigation bar. You are welcome to criticise and correct any shortcomings or errors in the translation, or even contribute to the unfinished parts of the translation.

Finally, here is a cross-reference table that may be useful:

2023-04-26, W1L1Overview of the CourseOverview of the Course14_526_topic01🙃
2023-04-28, W1L2User AuthenticationUser Authentication14_526_topic07🙂
2023-05-05, W2L2Unix Discretionary Access ControlOperating Systems Security Basics & Unix Access Control14_526_topic08 (From slide 16)🙂
2023-05-10, W3L1MAC and Integrity ProtectionIntegrity Protection Models14_526_topic19🙂
2023-05-12, W3L2Role Based Access ControlRole and Attribute Based Access Control14_526_topic22🙂
2023-05-14, W3L3Modern CryptoCryptography: Semantic Security, Block Ciphers and Encryption Modes14_526_topic04🙃
2023-05-17, W4L1Stream Ciphers and CPA SecurityCryptography: One-time Pad, Information Theoretic Security, and Stream Ciphers14_526_topic03🙂
2023-05-19, W4L2PRF, CPA Security and CCA SecurityPseudorandom Functions and CPA Security12_555_topic08open in new window🙂
Last Updated:
Contributors: Klee1453, klee1453