
高等数学大集合 Collection of Advanced Mathematics

This is a collection of posted notes on advanced mathematics, including calculus and linear algebra.

Disclaimer: The following content is for reference only. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

Note: Since vscode's native markdown renderer does not support the admonition environment provided by pymdownx (modified by material for mkdocs), and cannot correctly render LaTeX formulas in indented lines, I will try to minimize the use of the admonition environment surrounding statements containing mathematical formulas.

Notation: I use emoji 🤔 to indicate content that I have not delved into too deeply; emoji 😎 to indicate proud works; emoji 🔧 to indicate content that is being updated.

微积分 Calculus

一元函数的极限 Single-variable Limit

一元函数的导数与微分 Single-variable Derivative and Differential

一元函数的微分与积分中值定理 Single-variable Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives and Integrals😎

一元函数的不定积分 Single-variable Indefinite Integral

一元函数的定积分 Single-variable Definite Integral

一元函数的反常积分 Single-variable Improper Integral

一元函数定积分在求解几何量中的应用 Application of Definite Integral in Area, Volume, Perimeter, Surface Area

多元函数的极限 Multi-variable Limit

多元函数的导数与微分 Multi-variable Derivative and Differential

二重积分 Double Integral

三重积分 Triple Integral🤔

曲线积分与曲面积分 Line Integral and Surface Integral🤔

无穷级数 Infinite Series🤔

常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equations

常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equations

线性代数 Linear Algebra

线性代数 Linear Algebra😎

线性代数中的若干证明 Proofs in Linear Algebra

解析几何 Analytic Geometry

空间解析几何 Analytic Geometry in Space🤔